Call for Proposals
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Call for Proposals

IEEE COINS seeks proposals for i) Special Sessions consisting of peer-reviewed papers focused on in-depth treatment on a topic of timely interest to the IEEE COINS audience. Special session papers will undergo the same intense review process as regular conference papers, and submission is not a guarantee of acceptance. The selected papers will be published as part of the IEEE COINS Proceedings; ii) Tutorial Sessions consisting of discussions and summary results about advanced topics relevant to the conference. Tutorials intend to highlight innovative ideas positioned on each field’s frontiers covered by the conference. Tutorials provide participants the chance to explore innovative trends or innovative applications, learn new techniques from experts in the field, and gain knowledge and insights. Typical tutorials run 1.5-2 hours, although longer half-day tutorials (two-session blocks of 1.5-2 hours each) may be considered; iii) Workshops are half- or one-day events that aim to foster active discussion on issues related to specific fields. The typical structure of a workshop will include a number of papers (peer-reviewed) presentations and/or invited talks (without paper submission). Accepted manuscripts will be included in the COINS conference proceedings as workshop papers and will be indexed in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


All proposals (1 to 2 pages) should be submitted via email to Alessandro Savino ([email protected]) and include the required information indicated below:


    1. Title and abstract of the workshop/tutorial/special session
    2. Organizers and their affiliations (including short bios)
    3. Structure, format, and the expected duration of the tutorial/workshop (for a tutorial/workshop proposal)
    4. Planned invited speakers (if any) for workshop/tutorial proposals (it is not necessary, nor a requirement)
    5. Provide a sample call for papers (if any) for a workshop and Special Session proposals, the number of published papers (if any), and, if available, a list of prospective authors and contributions
    6. CFP Dissemination plan (workshop and special session proposals)
    7. Provide the abstract of the tutorial/workshop (for a tutorial/workshop proposal)
    8. If the workshop/tutorial was previously held, provide the location (i.e., which conference), date, number of published papers (if any), and number of attendees at the last event